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HR Today: A flexible, agile & adaptable recruitment model

You launched a new specialist brokerage concept, which includes transition management. Can you explain the model to us?

Since December 2022, I have been offering an on-demand specialist brokerage service. In other words, I put service providers (selected Professional Services or Consulting firms) in touch with private or public companies that need a specialist for a specific period of time.

Juliette Jan featured in HR Today
Juliette Jan featured in HR Today

What makes your model different?

This concept does not exist elsewhere, because it's a B2B model. I don't work with individuals like most transition management companies. I bring together companies that lend talent with whom I have created partnerships, together with organizations that have specific needs for the duration of an assignment.

What are the advantages of this new offer?

For the client, it is a flexible, agile and adaptable model. The links selects several service providers to choose from, with profiles and pricing conditions in line with the customer's needs and budget, and returns with a solution usually within 48 hours. This can be interesting, for example, for a long-term project which requires specific skills, for a replacement of a long-term leave, or to fill a need before recruiting a permanent employee. For certain mandates, it can be interesting to pair a senior specialist with a more junior profile from the same service provider. The two people know each other and are therefore used to working together. This formula reduces the cost of the mission. Our profiles are people with a consultant's mindset: they are used to moving from one customer to another, and are operational from the very first hour. Their skills have been tried and tested, and if things don't work out, we quickly put forward another profile.

Who are the companies lending out their talents?

These are large, medium and small professional services and consulting companies.

Can you tell us about the cost of a mandate?

This will depend on the complexity of the mandate and on the number of hours involved. The advantage for the company is that it does not have these professional consultants on their payroll. The client company has just one contact person, The Links, who negotiates for them the best rates in line with their budget with the consulting and service company that will supply the talent.

What is the business model?

The business model is based on a percentage of the fees invoiced per day.

In which field of activity are you active?

All fiduciary professions, legal and compliance, project management, strategy, IT, mergers & acquisitions and C-level positions. All the traditional activities of large consulting firms. I'm currently working on solutions for HR and the supply chain.



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